Külföldi torrent oldalak AudioNews | AN News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. január 29..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    NEW RULES for packing torrents.

    Since now you can pack your upload as you wish, with the exception of scene releases. These must not be altered in any way from the original packing, but additional packing can be added if you feel it is needed!

    There is no longer a need to split rar items. If a file is 500Mb and you rar it as one file or split rar, that is your choice. No longer will it get pulled for not being packed in 100MB files, but it must still be packed with winrar !

    We have been asked many times for this by members, as guys grab stuff and then have to repack to follow our old rules. This way it can be uploaded as you downloaded it from elsewhere. Thus saving time and effort. It should mean quicker and easier uploads for all.

    NEW RULES:- 1. Torrent file can be made from a rar file, or from a folder, better if from folder 2. Torrent topic must be same as release name (already exists) 3. If torrent file made from a folder, the folder must be named as release name, not DVD1 or something like that. 4. If torrent file made from a rar file (without folder), the rar file should be name as release name 5. Scene releases can't be repacked, only allowed over repacking. NEVER repack !

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