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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. február 22..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Time to choose 2012 torrentstar competition winner

    [​IMG] AND WINNER IS Newtone - GoldenAge.

    Winners prize is: Apple Macbook Air 1.8GHz 13.3" MD231LL/A i5 4GB RAM 128GB [​IMG]


    Audionews team has chosen 3 nominees, but we can't decide who win and who get main prize [​IMG]

    could you please vote in this topic for the song you like and may be comment why you have made such as choice


    GoldenAge - http://sounddump.com/zrgmm883gggc

    Ocean of Love - http://sounddump.com/gj8sjnaorl44

    Poll will run for another 3 days, then we stop and choose the best one

    The spanish national anthem - http://sounddump.com/t0ezpwof10rb ( DISQUALIFIED - Many complaints that this is not original ! )