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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 02..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: LzTr.us

    2010-2011. The LzTr Theater Unveiling


    It's true. I think Lance Armstrong rocks. What can I say - he's a winner. And we won this year. With un-precidented donations, we were able to reach our fundraising goal in a record-breaking 8 weeks time. $1,500 dollars in two months is pretty incredible, and it's always refreshing to recognize how many people appreciate this site and literally show what it means to them. Those of you who donated to keep this site alive - thank you. And those of you who have donated your time and energy into providing a continuous stream of content - thank you, too. This site wouldn't exist without its userbase, but it's my job to continue to provide interesting and unique content you can't find anywhere else.

    That is why with our recent upgrades and yearly purchase of hosting, I can now debut our private LzTr Movie Theater, where I will feature interesting films every few weeks and their corresponding film score. For one, you will notice a new tab on the top of your header entied Theater. This movie theater will correspond with its own Forum, where I will post information about each film. If you want to post comments, you are more than welcome to. Mostly, this section will be controlled by me, and me only. I will present films that I believe are worth your time and mine for encoding/writing about them. It is not class specific, nor is it something you have to earn. The theater is open to everyone that has access to this site.

    These films should run smoothly. You should also watch them full screen on your computer, as they are streamable. Enjoy this feature. I guarantee you won't find this feature anywhere else.
