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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 02..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: LzTr.us

    The Official 2011 Fundraiser ($1150.04 Left)


    It's that time again. As a majority of you know, this site provides all of us with the unique opportunity to share our love for soundtracks, jazz/blues, and classical music. The bar is set high, and I would hope that all of you consider LzTr.us as a unique area of the Internet that provides an excellent repertoire of music, but also a place where staff go above and beyond to treat you all as individuals and not numbers.

    Each year, it is imperative that we all come together to support the site we use each day. Without your support, this site would cease to exist - plain and simple. For those of you who are new members, our fundraiser is a yearly event, which I prefer because once it's purchased we can forget about the site until the following year.

    This year, the money used will not only pay for hosting, but it will purchase an entirely new machine. We desperately need to upgrade to a 64-bit system, in addition to completely upgrading to a newer CentOS kernel. In order to accomplish this, we will keep this site online and in tandem build an entirely new machine from the ground-up. Then, once the server is ready to go, we will migrate the data over which will result in a short period of downtime. Furthermore, our IP address will change and it will take some time for DNS records to update. Still, we believe this is the best solution for this year's upgrades. Don't get me wrong, these updates will be huge on the backend.

    Upgrade Data
    CentOS 5.5 x86_64 (64-bit)
    Apache 2.2.3
    MySQL 5.1.54
    PHP 5.3.5
    Perl 5.8.8
    Ruby 1.8.5
    100GB Storage Space
    2GB RAM
    2TB Network Traffic
    16-Core Xeon 2.13 GHz CPU
    RAID 10
    SAS disks (10K RPM)

    Amount Needed: $1150.04
    Deadline: July, 2011

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How much do we have in the LzTr bank?

    So far, we have $349.96 USD in our bank. This is from all of you who have donated over the past few moths since our last fundraiser. This will be applied to the $1,500 we have to raise. So in total, we only have $$1150.04 left until we reach our goal.

    How do I donate? (Important!)

    All you need to do is go to the Donation Page of this site to donate. Once you donate, it is imperative that you message me directly so that I can make sure the appropriate donation status is applied to your account.

    Once I donate, what happens then?

    I will update this thread with the donation total and how much is left. You will also obtain upload credit and a class upgrade, depending on your donation amount.

    When is our deadline?

    As notated above, our deadline is July of this year.