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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 26..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Re: LzTr.us

    EC Collage - Come see what the staff has to offer...



    9-19-11 until 10-3-11 GMT

    Editor's Choice Collage

    It's time for another round of great staff picks. Please take some time and see what we have to offer. The staff at LzTr takes time to choose albums that are inspirational and entertaining, so I hope everyone enjoys this new batch of music. Please be patient because the staff will be making selections in the days to follow, but we promise to provide our community with exceptional music from every genre.

    We are always looking for feedback and suggestions on how to improve this section. Your comments and encouragements are always appreciated.