Külföldi torrent oldalak LzTr.me | LzTr News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 31..

  1. Guest / Guest


    Hey gang.

    We are on the home stretch on our fundraiser. We still have well over $1,000 left to raise in a few weeks. We can do this. All it takes is 100 of you to donate $10 bucks, and we will reach our goal. I know it's possible, and I've seen it before.

    The thing about this site is that it's a bit different than anywhere else you go on the internet. It's a sharing site, sure, but at it's core we promote high quality and amazing records within a very specific niche of the music world. It makes us unique, and I think the community reflects that.

    Here is what I propose. Those of you who will donate will continue to get a nice ratio bump and status update. In addition, we will have a nice 2-week long site-wide Freeleech! when we reach our goal.

    This site will only survive with your support, so help us in any way that you can!

    Donate now