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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. október 03..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Change on the Horizon - Passwords & You


    To those of you who've been around for a while, you may remember eleven months ago when I posted an announcement regarding two accounts being broken into. If you're among the users who took what I had to say seriously and made a change to your account's password at that time then allow me to say thank you. [​IMG]

    If you acknowledged the announcement but somehow felt a change wasn't necessary at the time, then I hope you are open to a change now.

    Within the past week, not only I but other staff as well have noticed more accounts, some old and some not, that have been compromised. The security of user accounts here is something we don't shrug off - if we notice a problem, we do what is within our ability to remedy it. However, what we can do is only so much, especially when dealing with the uncertainty that our users aren't following common password sense by a) using a strong password and b) using a password that is unique to the site vs. one shared among multiple others.

    So at the current time, I am posting this announcement as a forewarning of sorts. There are plans to implement changes to the password system currently in place here at LzTr that are very probable to force ALL existing users to change their passwords (even those of you confident enough in your previous password's strength). These changes are pending once an ongoing test of the tracker (unrelated to this matter) is completed.

    It is strongly recommended that if you have trouble creating a password secure enough to withstand most normal hack attempts that you consider using software designed for that very purpose.

    Among the more popular options are LastPass, 1Password, KeePass and Dashlane.

    An alternative, in the event you absolutely wish to avoid using any of the above listed (or similar), would be to visit http://ctrlq.org/passwords/ which allows generation of an encrypted password specific to a site of your choosing up to 30 characters in length.

    Discuss here