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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. október 25..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    The 2012 Halloween FL! Trick or Treat!



    10-24-12 until 10-31-12 GMT

    Costumes, candy, eternal darkness. It's a lovely time to celebrate. Halloween is not only fun for kids, but as an adult I have come to appreciate all the art that has been made in its name - all the music and film that has captured the essence of cinema and changed the course of narrative history. Lugosi as Dracula to the modern Toxic Avenger, no other genre can bring us laughs and screams.

    Therefore, I would like to officially kick off the 2012 Halloween Freeleech, which will run until midnight on October 31. Three collages will be entirely FL and are listed below:

    Classic Horror Films (pre-1980s)
    Slasher & Supernatural Horror Films (1980-1999)
    Modern Horror Films (2000+)

    Enjoy the holiday and be safe.

    ** We have a new poll. Please vote on your favorite Halloween film(s).

    Discuss here