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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. december 01..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    site back on again

    Aaaaand, we're back!

    So, good news and bad news!

    First of all, we're very sorry for the downtime in the past week. The problems started when we were hit with a DDOS attack. We had been running on very old, underpowered hardware (in order to reduce site costs), and so it unfortunately had a big impact on the server. We were able to fix things up fairly quickly, but the consequences of the DDOS attack also seem to have revealed some underlying problems in our hosting provider's network setup. This meant that instead of getting back up in one day (when the server was fixed), we were down for almost a week, waiting on our hosting provider.

    However! We decided to make proverbial lemons out of lemonade (I like to live dangerously), so decided to use the opportunity to switch hosting providers and upgrade to much better hardware. You may have noticed that the site has been incredibly slow and inconsistent in the past few months, and it is our hope that these problems should be largely resolved with the much-needed hardware upgrade. You should notice significantly faster browse times in general, which should improve further in the coming weeks as we re-optimize the site for the new hardware.

    Our latest backup was approximately 12 hours old as of the time the site went down last week, but there should be no other data loss.

    Note that you may need to restart your torrent client in order to pick up the new server IP.