Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP Ninjas Vs. Robots! - Who Are You Fighting For?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
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    Re: News

    Ninjas Vs. Robots! - Who are you fighting for? - The Battle for July! - posted by esophagus 2 months, 4 days ago [Discuss]

    [center:3mzfx7dl]NINJAS VS. ROBOTS!

    poster created by trza - he's a dangerous man, baby

    Who Are You Fighting For?[/center:3mzfx7dl]

    Alright, enough of all this mushiness, let's face it, there's a time for love, and time for war, and right now it's time to FIGHT! First up, Ninjas Vs. Robots, a bloody battle destined to happen since the beginning of time. So pick a side, go to your corners, forget shaking hands, just come out swinging!

    This is going to be a battle between the action and sci.fi genres!

    Each genre will get one round to do it's damage, the genre with the most uploads at the end of round 2 will be considered the victor and will do it's victory lap during round 3.

    ROUND 1 - Action!

    Jul 1 - Jul 8 - 1960-Present

    ROUND 2 - Sci-Fi!

    Jul 9 - Jul 17 - 1950-Present

    ROUND 3 - To the victor, go the spoils!

    Jul 18 - Jul 31 - Freeleech for the winning genre on all genre torrents with less than 5 seeds!


    As we've done in the past, each contest torrent will be freeleech for 24 hours from the time of its upload.

    We're going to try another new idea this time! This time we're making it a fight! For what you ask? The winning genre will enjoy a targeted freeleech on all torrents of the genre with less than 5 seeds site wide, while new uploads for both genres will continue to receive the 24 hour freeleech treatment!