Külföldi torrent oldalak Brokenstones | BRKS "Open Gatekeeper Friendly" Malware Update!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2025. február 27..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    First and foremost, huge thanks to energ0n for their incredible efforts in identifying and tracking down malicious OGF files before they could reach our users. Their work, combined with our detection script, has helped us effectively stop this attack before it spread further.

    Here’s the latest update from the forum thread, in case you missed it:

    energ0n wrote:As of today (within the last 18hrs or so), the Russian trackers being used as a source to distribute the "OGF" macOS malware have finally removed all infected releases and removed associated compromised accounts. Rutracker (not the source) also removed the remaining 3 or 4 torrents which had been reseeded there. DHT is keeping some of these releases alive and spreading but not much can be done there.

    Now we wait and see what comes next...

    Protecting Our Community: A Collective Effort

    Our badfile detection and the collaboration of the entire community have played a key role in stopping this malware. Every user who downloaded a detected file was alerted via PM by staff, helping prevent any further spread. This fast and effective response was only possible thanks to members like you reporting suspicious files, staying vigilant, and working together.

    We will continue updating our badfile list, and we strongly encourage all users to verify their downloads using check_badfiles.sh. While this attack has been contained, it won’t be the last time bad actors attempt to distribute malicious files. Staying ahead of these threats requires all of us to remain alert and proactive.

    If you come across any suspected releases—not just here, but anywhere—please send a Staff PM immediately. Your reports are essential in keeping our community safe.

    Thanks to everyone for minimizing the impact of this attack! Your quick responses and teamwork have made a real difference. This is exactly why BrokenStones remains the safe place to share. [​IMG]
