Külföldi torrent oldalak Awesome-HD | AHD Open Signups, Freeleech & Gifts!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' drogba № hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. május 15..

  1. drogba № /

    2010. augusztus 29.
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    Re: Awesome-HD

    AwesomeHD: Open Signups, Freeleech & Gifts!

    To celebrate 2 years since they moved over to the Gazelle codebase, HD tracker AwesomeHD is having open signups, and has given a gift to each member, as well as having a global freeleech.[​IMG]The following was announced yesterday:

    Today is the second anniversary of AHD moving to the gazelle codebase and as such we thought we would have a small celebration.

    All torrents have been set 100% freeleech for the course of the weekend. Also we thought we would give you all a little extra for supporting us over the last 2 years, click here to see what it could be. Bonus Gifts!!! ( Az ajándék bonuszpontokat a f?oldalon ennél a hírnél tudjátok átvenni! )

    We have also decided to open our doors to new members during this period. If you are a new user then welcome and enjoy your stay. New members come and say hello Here.

    The Staff

    AwesomeHD Signup Link: http://awesome-hd.net/register.php
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