Külföldi torrent oldalak HDME.eu | HDME Open Singups!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' MbP hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 07..

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    2012. május 14.
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    HDME.eu : Open Singups!

    Well as we all know here at HDME we haven't had open singups in a LONG time, and yes we literally mean it!

    So we have finally decided to open doors to allow new members to singup!

    HDME will be opening singup for new members directly without going through invite or the user application form filling. We will open singups on the 7th of Jan and it will remain open untill further notice..

    Please feel free to let all your friends and family know this would be a good time for them to singup if they have been looking to get in!

    This in no way mean we will allow dupe users or account collectors! We will soon after closing singup begin cleaning up low ratio users and dupe accounts too.

    Thank You