Pedro: Fall 2014

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' gerry6 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. október 15..

  1. gerry6 /

    2011. július 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    2014-10-15 17:49:07 - Fall 2014

    Dear users, since things have been a bit slow recently, here's something fresh:

    Site updates
    We are still working on them. Enough said. When you see the final result you will understand why this work took so much time. Stay tuned. You cannot rush perfection! Real life has been heavy on us this year and hence the delays.

    Bonus invites
    Cold days and murky weather arrived. Drink heavier to cheer yourself up; why not? In the meantime have a few bonus invites. Users get 1, Seniors 2, Uploading classes 3. They will expire after 2 weeks. Remember, award invitations to responsible people whom you know and trust.

    Donation bonuses (lasting 15 Oct - 5 Nov)
    Now 2x for equal or more than 50 EUR and 3x for equal or more than 100 EUR. Help yourself and help us in the process. We received several PMs regarding this, so there you have it. Enjoy.

    Staff changes
    One mod quit, another changed his rank. Real life is eating all of our time, sadly. We will be looking into hiring a new mod. Perhaps if you have been with us long enough and uploaded a lot, why not volunteer? We just might take you. O:-

    That's it. Next freeleech is scheduled for the site reaching 70,000 torrents.

    / Staff
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