Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. február 04..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Recent events and stability check

    Guys, right after the abrupt downtime we had been truly sucked in by the RL, virtually every single one of us, so you might feel for a moment we weren't there for you. This news item is to reassure you everything's A-OK.

    New datacenter
    We moved into a new data center. We've had issues with the old hosting company for some time now, and the downtime caused by nonsensical routing decisions made by the old ISP became the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Currently, we are placed in probably the most advanced data center in the country, guaranteeing uninterrupted electrical power delivery and blazing fast internet stability (well, the contract saz 99.9% certainty). So far we've been enjoying the new place. The hosting costs are competitive too.

    The swarm
    Guys, the swarm numbers are still low, at around 75% of the number from right before the downtime. This means many of you are still behind with re-writing the announce URLs in your torrents and hence not seeding what you downloaded. If you still have questions and/or are having troubles updating your torrents, post in this forum thread.

    Before the Christmas you were promised freeleech. As soon as the swarm returns to a constant of at least 120 000 peers you will get it.

    Bonus invites
    Many of you lost the invites because of the downtime. Let's fix that. Tomorrow everybody will be given 1 bonus invite which will be valid for a week.

    IRC is down and may stay down for a while. Sorry about that.

    Old browsers and Cloudflare
    CF exclusively uses ECDSA SSL certificates (which is an outstanding thing). Old browsers will not work with that. Use most recent Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera (currently version 27) and you will be ok. ECDSA will stay even if we will ever stop using CF.

    Forum (edit)
    Forum's obviously up and running. If you cannot see it, log out and then login again. I am aware this is annoying. Bare with us for now. We have re-written the forum platform for the new site completely, so this problem will be soon fixed.

    I am also looking forward to delivering some truly exciting news later this week. Stay tuned. :love: