Piracy Warnings Kick In For At&t, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner, And Verizon Cust

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. november 02..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Piracy Warnings Kick in for AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner, and Verizon Customers

    Internet providers to begin warning customers who pirate content

    By the end of this year the Center for Copyright Information will start hunting down anyone (within US borders) who’s going to download copyrighted materials via BitTorrent’s networks. Ready or not, here they come!

    It goes without saying that a lot of people, Americans or not, download their favorite TV series, games, music, and movies via BitTorrent’s networks. But who’s ready to give up their habits? Well, the fact is that… ready or not, the CCI will come for you.
    However, the issue at hand is that many of these “illegal” downloads occur due to the fact that not all TV series, or whatever you feel like downloading, are available to purchase. Take the example of “The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd” – which is next to impossible to find, as the show used some copyrighted songs.

    But does this concern the industries? Not really. Instead, the movie and music industries, after failing to have their way with SOPA/ACTA, have come up with another devious plan – codename CCI.
    This newly formed Center for Copyright Information, in collaboration with US’ prominent ISPs (AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner, and Verizon), will pin-point “pirates” through a system called the Copyright Alert System. As we’ve mentioned in a previousarticle, the firm responsible with running the CAS is MarkMonitor.

    In other words, MarkMonitor’s job is to monitor all network traffic (with the help of your internet provider), as copyright infringement supposedly leads to “more than 373,000 jobs, $16 billion in lost wages, and $2.6 billion in lost taxes.” I, and probably thousands of people, wonder how much money is a petrol-war worth. Unrelated? Think again! Not to mention that the independent expert appointed to review all the collected data is RIAA’s former lobbyist.
    Coincidence? Yeah, sure…

    There’s also the matter of these so called copyright protectors, who are supposed to do everything in their power to protect content owners. In fact, their only concern is money. Big, fat buckets of money, and nothing more. Or maybe you believe that some independent artist who comes to ask for help is going to get it? Well, let us give another example – South Park. Back in 2000, Matt Stone revealed to the world the real face of the MPAA (you can watch his statement here).

    But wait, there’s more. All it took for 1.45 million (and I stress million) WordPress websites to be taken down for a short period of time, was one publisher accusing one of these portals of coming into conflict with the DMCA.

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