Külföldi torrent oldalak ICETorrent | ICE PROMOTION COMPETITION !!!!

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. szeptember 20..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :

    Ai tinut la seed mult timp? Echipa ICE te rasplateste DUBLU! Vei fi promovat la clasa urmatoare PERMANENT si in plus vei fi VIP sau SVIP pt o anumita perioada!
    Nu ai tinut la seed minim 5 zile? Este timpul sa o faci! Indeplineste cerintele de participare si vei fi premiat!

    CONDITII de participare:
    - orice clasa (cu exceptia hyperseeder),
    - minim 5 zile timp mediu de seed,
    - minim 100 torrente descarcate (se contorizeaza numai torrente mai mari de 150MB),
    - procent H&R = 0%.

    3 - timp de seed mediu mai mare de 5 zile:
    = promovare clasa urmatoare PERMANENT + promovare VIP o luna (valabil pina la clasa ICE ELITE inclusiv)
    = promovare SVIP o luna pt clasa VIP

    2 - timp de seed mediu mai mare de 10 zile:
    = promovare clasa urmatoare PERMANENT + promovare VIP doua luni (valabil pina la clasa ICE ELITE inclusiv)
    = promovare SVIP doua luni pt clasa VIP

    1 - timp de seed mediu mai mare de 20 zile:
    = promovare clasa urmatoare PERMANENT + promovare VIP trei luni (valabil pina la clasa ICE ELITE inclusiv)
    = promovare SVIP trei luni pt clasa VIP.

    POSTEAZA in acest topic pentru revendicarea PREMIULUI si in cel mai scurt timp disponibil vei fi PROMOVAT!!!


    Have you been seeding for a long time? The ICE team rewards YOU DOUBLE! You will be promoted to the next class PERMANENT and in addition you will be VIP or SVIP for a certain period!
    Did you keep the seed for at least 5 days? It's time to do it! Meet the participation requirements and you will be rewarded!

    - any class (except hyperseeder),
    - minimum 5 days average seed time,
    - at least 100 downloaded torrents (only torrents larger than 150MB are counted),
    - H&R percentage = 0%.

    3 - average seed time greater than 5 days:
    = promotion to the next class PERMANENT + VIP promotion one month (valid until ICE ELITE class included)
    = one month SVIP promotion for VIP class

    2 - average seed time greater than 10 days:
    = promotion to the next class PERMANENT + VIP promotion two months (valid until ICE ELITE class included)
    = two months SVIP promotion for VIP class

    1 - average seed time greater than 20 days:
    = promotion to the next class PERMANENT + VIP promotion three months (valid until ICE ELITE class included)
    = three months SVIP promotion for the VIP class.

    POST in this topic for claiming the AWARD and in the shortest time available you will be PROMOTED !!!
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