Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP Ptp Is Proud To Present ...

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
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    Re: News

    PTP is proud to present ... - posted by vlatkost 2 months, 3 weeks ago [Discuss]
    [center:1gkt9kok]This giveaway has now ended. Welcome to all the new users coming here from BTN, and congratulations to all of our users that got invited over to BTN from here. If you sent your PM before the cutoff you should still receive your invite.

    For a limited time only we are proud to present:


    Starring:[​IMG] and [​IMG][/center:1gkt9kok]

    Experience the great friendship between PTP and BTN in a way you have never before and make friends of your own by making sure you're a member on both of our great sites.

    If you've been a PASSTHEPOPCORN user for more than three months (and don't currently have a warning) you are eligible for a free BTN invite!

    With your invite you'll get access to our favorite TV tracker around, the potential to make a lot of great new friends. There might even be some hugs and laughs in it for you. Please only sign up if you actually plan to use their great site.

    This is a promotional poster only, for more info and invites ask any of the agents listed at the bottom of this post. Only message one of those users, they will respond in due time. Yahoo and Hotmail/Live emails won't receive the invite email so please choose another provider (such as Gmail).

    Hurry, this great showing will only last until the end of June!

    Note: Users with previous BTN accounts should not apply, as duplicate accounts are against the rules.