Külföldi torrent oldalak HDChina | HDC Ratio Rules

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. január 04..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Notice on Blocking Share Rate Not Compliant Account

    HDChina Ratio Rules
    1. If you have downloaded more than 10 GB, your ratio shall be higher than 1.0.
    2. If you have downloaded more than 50 GB, your ratio shall be higher than 1.1.
    3. If you have downloaded more than 100 GB, your ratio shall be higher than 1.2
    4. If you have downloaded more than 200 GB, your ratio shall be higher than 1.3.
    5. If you have downloaded more than 400 GB, your ratio shall be higher than 1.4.

    Users shall observe the above requirements in four (4) weeks after registration. However, quite a few users still fail to reach above ratio requirements. For those users, they will be banned in the near future by the decision of our staff. We hereby notice those users to raise your ratio as soon as possible.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====HDChina Staff====