Külföldi torrent oldalak RedBits News : On the occasion of the Halloween night celebration

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. november 01..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    On the occasion of the Halloween night celebration, the Redbit Staff has decided to give a gift to the most active users, so you can invite your friends and acquaintances to be part of this community.
    Therefore, we will add several invitations to the ranges from Poweruser and with a minimum of 6 months since it was recorded in the tracker.
    The use of these invitations will be personally by the user himself, making the decision of whom to grant each invitation that is given, being responsible for the user to which it is given, even being able to reach a severe punishment if that user is wronguse of it.
    For the request of the invitations (if you are within the conditions to obtain them) you must request them only here (who requests them through private messages or telegram or other way will lose the possibility of obtaining them although later request it in place).

    The input distribution will be as follows:
    Poweruser and Superuser ranges 2 invitations
    Extremeuser, insainuser and archivist ranges = 3 invitations
    Ranges veteran and vip = 5 invitations

    The invitation request will be open until Sunday at 10 pm.Once that term will do not give more invitations.
    The invitations will not expire if they have been requested in a timely manner.
    Once requested, be patient, you will be attended by order of writing and when the staff is available.You will be informed once given.If you hurry to get them, the request will be denied.
    We ask that, please, you send only one message in the thread, so as not to hinder the work to the staff

    We remember:
    - Request exclusively for the thread of the forum (any other type of request will make none get)
    - Invitations from Poweruser range and with a minimum in the 6 -month -old tracker.
    - Applications from the opening of this message until Sunday, November 5 at 10 pm
    - The user will be responsible for the good behavior of the guest.

    The Redbit Staff wishes you to have a good Halloween night