Külföldi torrent oldalak Demonoid | DMN Returns

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' MbP hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 10..

  1. MbP /

    2012. május 14.
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    Demonoid Returns, BitTorrent Tracker is Now Online
    After more than a year of downtime the Demonoid tracker came back online today. The tracker is linked to nearly 400,000 torrent files and more than a million peers, which makes it one of the largest working BitTorrent trackers on the Internet. There is no word yet on when the site will make a full comeback, but the people behind it say they are working to revive one of the most famous file-sharing communities.

    demonoidAs the single largest semi-private BitTorrent tracker that ever existed, Demonoid used to offer a home to millions of file-sharers.

    This changed abruptly August 2012, after a series of troubled events took the site offline. The unexpected downtime was followed by more than a year of silence, until the Demonoid.com homepage showed signs of life two months ago.

    The site owners put up a notice suggesting that they were planning to restore Demonoid to its former glory. This uplifting news was later confirmed in a short statement that was sent to us by the people behind the site.

    “I can’t give you any specifics at the moment, but yeah, we are planning to bring the site back,” TorrentFreak was told.

    This glimmer of hope got many former Demonoid users excited, and today we can report further progress as the site’s tracker is now back online.

    A few hours ago http://inferno.demonoid.com:3396/announce was revived, and at the time of writing the tracker is coordinating the communication of 1.3 million people scattered across 388,321 torrent files. This means that Demonoid has instantly settled itself among the five largest BitTorrent trackers on the Internet.

    What appears to be new is that all torrents are tracked by a single announce URL. Previously, Demonoid used various tracker addresses and ports for its torrents.

    The hosting location has also changed as Demonoid have traded in their Ukrainian provider for one in Sweden.

    While the above is good news for those who hold Demonoid dear, there are still plenty of uncertainties regarding the comeback. For example, it is still unknown whether Demonoid users can still use their old accounts, as the database may have been compromised.

    Last year a mysterious replacement surfaced, using a copy of the Demonoid user and torrent database. The operator of the spin-off claimed not to be related to the Demonoid owners, but he did have a copy of the site’s database.

    The tracker that was revived today uses Demonoid’s original .com domain, so it’s presumably backed by part of the old crew.

    Time will tell whether Demonoid can make a full comeback, and what the site will look like if it does.

    SOURCE http://torrentfreak.com/demonoid-ret...online-140109/
  2. watsap /

    2012. július 13.
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    Jó is lenne, hogy visszatérjen a régi Demonoid...de az a D2-es honlap amit a gugli kihoz, ha a keresőbe beírok (Demonoid), az ekvivalens a régivel?!
  3. guzu / Pedálozó

    2011. december 31.
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    Lakhely :
    Szerintem a d2 ugyan az az oldal! a régi Demonoid felhasználommal és jelszavammal visszaengedett,már nem emlékszem mennyit ált de 1 évet biztosan.
    A torrent állomány persze megcsappant de ez érthető ennyi kihagyás után.
    Jó hogy említetted rá is nézek van e valami jó kis zenei videó :tef293: