Külföldi torrent oldalak CinemaGeddon l CG Rip Bribobmac

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. december 20..

  1. Vendég /

    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Some of you may have noticed that friend to many and inveterate opponent of one-tracker-only uploads Bribobmac has left us. The Warner Archive collection that we have here would be a shadow of its current self were it not for him, and with his uploads being snatched over 50,000 times, there's little doubt that we all owe him a debt.

    If you want to show your appreciation, say a few words in Bribobmac / R.I.P. My Friend. You might also want to throw a few credits towards featurama; on the next update, it'll be all bribobmac, and up to nine of his torrents will be featured.