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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. október 26..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    Box requirements

    In view of the fact that a large number of home broadband users on this site have reported a lot about the box grabbing broadband, we
    will start voting on the website and TG channel from the 19th to the 25th.

    Finally, we will make the following changes to the box.
    Please do it before the end of October. The adjustment will start in November.
    Box users will take the initiative to make suggestions & complaints on the forum-->Dedicated post section for box reporting. It is prohibited to use a series of whitewashing methods. Once discovered, ordinary box users will be directly banned. The speed limit is

    50MiB /s ( A single seed is limited to 1-10MiB/s
    If the speed exceeds 50MiB/s, you will be warned once.
    The second warning will deduct all magic points.
    The third time will be directly banned (you can appeal to unblock and need to retake the assessment.

    The speed limit for donation users is 100MiB/s (single Seed limit 1-50MiB/s
    If the speed exceeds 100MiB/s, you will be warned once. The
    second warning will directly disable the download permission (you can appeal
    for the third time and directly ban (you can appeal to unblock and need to retake the assessment to cancel the current donation qualification).

    In fact, seeds are indispensable as a box. A node of transfer, so donated box users can actively apply for a Box Boy or Box Girl medal.
    In the future, there will be mandatory restrictions on wool boxes, especially malicious attempts to grab the upload speed.

    In addition, users who purchase resources in special areas are encouraged. If you are willing to share, you can put a certain magic value on the seed as your own reward (provided that you are willing to share it yourself. The
    magic value top promotion seed function will be launched next month so that everyone's magic value can better reflect the value.