Külföldi torrent oldalak Bibliotik | BiB Rules Clarifications

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. szeptember 13..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Rules clarifications

    We have made some clarifications to the rules governing many types of uploads. First, as of now, all new uploads will need to conform to the naming standards found here. We would like for uploaders to go through their existing uploads in order to make sure they adhere to the new standards. This is not a large change for most uploads, it just standardizes how things like edition, series, bitrate, and other information should be presented.

    Second, as many of you know, bB and STP mirror our retail rules. Conversely, moving forward, retail upload from these two sites qualify as retail here as well. As with any other upload, the uploader is responsible for it here, meaning that this allowance does not make them immune from our retail rules if they are found to be conversions. It is still up to uploaders to be aware of the reputation of the people who originally uploaded material, same as any other site.

    For any questions about or discussion of these updates, check out the forum thread here.