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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. október 23..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Donations, ScienceHD and TVRage Updates

    Due to a recent policy update by PayPal, we have decided that it's time for us to close our PayPal account and investigate other methods of donation. Everyone who donated during the last period that donations were open has been refunded. As a small token of our appreciation everyone who was refunded their donation will keep the perks they received for donating.

    We know the last few weeks have been brutal with the 504s and 502s, we think we've tracked down what is causing it and hope to have the issue resolved soon.

    But what about donations? As soon as we have decided on a new payment method - most likely bitcoin - we will update the FAQ section with details on how to donate.

    Now for TVRage, as most of you are aware, for a long time now we have used Tvrage with a few exceptions as the main source of naming for the TV shows that are uploaded here.

    Unfortunately, a few weeks back Tvrage suddenly went down. There have been lots of rumors floating around that it may never come back, at first we didn't want to believe them, but unfortunately the longer it stays down, the greater the likelihood of it never coming back.

    After much thought and discussion we have decided that from now on we will use TVMaze for the naming of TV Shows. If the show doesn’t exist on TvMaze then we will use TheTVDB. Over the coming weeks, all mentions of Tvrage in the naming guide will be changed to TvMaze.

    If you have reason to believe that both those sites are wrong and you know of a more correct source than please join our irc support channel #scihd-support and speak to a member of staff.

    As always

