Külföldi torrent oldalak SceneFZ | SFZ Seed!

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. október 30..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Doresti sa ajuti SceneFZ?

    Poti face acest lucru foarte simplu! Trebuie doar sa descarci cat mai multe torrente si le tii cat mai mult timp la seed.

    Pentru acest lucru te vom premia cu VIP sau Legend VIP !
    Dupa ce descarcati maximul de torrente pe care le puteti tine la seed postati aici pentru a primi VIP!

    VIP-UL este activ doar pe perioada SEED-ULUI (nu sunteti obligati sa tineti torrentele non-stop la seed).
    Daca vrei sa ajuti la dezvoltarea comunitatii SceneFZ trebuie doar sa descarci cat de multe torrente poti!


    [​IMG]Pentru clasa de VIP trebuie să aveți la SEED minim 200 de torrente sau 500 GB.
    [​IMG]Pentru LEGEND VIP trebuie să aveți la SEED minim 500 de torrente sau 1000 GB.

    LINK FORUM: https://scenefz.me/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=196

    Want to help SceneFZ?

    You can do it very simply! Just download as many torrents and spend as much time on the seed.

    For this we will award you VIP or VIP Legend!
    After downloading the maximum torrents you can keep at the seed post here to receive the VIP!

    VIP-UL is active only during SEED (you are not obliged to keep the non-stop torrents at seed).
    If you want to help develop the SceneFZ community, just download how many torrents you can!


    For the VIP class, you must have at least 200 torrents or 500 GB at SEED.
    For LEGEND VIP you must have SEED at least 500 torrents or 1000 GB.

    LINK FORUM: https://scenefz.me/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=196