Külföldi torrent oldalak TorrentVault | TV Seedbox Information V2.0

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. szeptember 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Seedbox Information v2.0 :tef161:

    hello everyone [​IMG]
    some days ago we sent out a notice regarding seedboxes and cheaters.
    we think the notice was either formulated wrongly, or was missing information, since we have recieved tons of PMs from worried users.

    if you are a normal user with a basic internet connection, you dont have to worry about getting banned. the people in question, are the ones who manages to upload crazy amounts within a few days. sometimes it can be hard to see if it is cheating or not, since alot of people uses seedboxes.

    this is why we would like people with 50mbit upload and more, to send up a speedtest and ip, so we can add it to their accounts, so the wont risk getting banned for cheating.

    we wont start banning like crazy from left to right. we will send people a pm on site, requesting the same information. if people dont reply back with the required information, we will take the appropriate action.

    but theres absolutely no reason to get nervous. keep seeding as always, be happy, and enjoy whats left of the summer.

    best regards,
    torrentvault staff