Külföldi torrent oldalak Brokenstones | BRKS September Newsletter 2020

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. szeptember 12..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    September Newsletter

    Welcome to the September Newsletter. Please be aware that there are some Important Announcements and Members need to take them on board. We currently still cannot change the 'Rules' due to code issues, so you must cross reference the Rules with the Wiki, as this is being updated.

    Your Account

    You and only You are responsible for your account.

    If at any time the site goes FL, or offers some goodies, an Announcement is always made.

    If you just 'click' instantly, on anything you see, then you may not take on board what the site is offering you. You are responsible for your account and the actions you do. You must read ALL Announcements.

    Naming Conventions and Suffixes

    The above has been under discussion with Staff and has also been pointed out by Members that there appears to be No Guidelines on how we should be naming certain Uploads, the main culprits being in the Audio, Audio Plugins, e-Books, Graphics and Tutorials Categories.

    You'll have seen various Uploads with the likes of these added on the end of the name [PDF, EPUB] [MIDI, WAV] [KONTAKT] [After Effects], this is what we mean by Suffixes.

    There are now many suffixes being added with little to no consistency which is causing confusion for Members not knowing which is the correct format to use [WAV] [MIDI] or [WAV,MIDI] or [WAV, MIDI] or [WAV-MIDI] or [WAV/MIDI], which in turn is creating numerous edits by Staff and Members.

    The first and foremost for any of the above, MUST be the Official Name of the Product, there is no leeway here. We have therefore made the decision that Suffixes will no longer be allowed. We're aware that this decision will not please everyone but, we have to draw the line somewhere for the good of the Site.

    If your Upload needs a specific application to run eg. (some FX Apps/Plugins have separate versions for Final Cut and Premiere) then you can create a Requirements Heading stating this, but it must be placed above the More Info Link, you can also specify under this heading if the upload is for KONTAKT.

    The Requirements Heading is only to be used in those circumstances, we don't want to see the likes of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator used etc. as these are self explanatory as to what applications are needed. There is also no need to state that the Upload is an EPUB, MOBI, PDF, WAV, MIDI, After Effects etc. As per the Uploading Rules for the Audio, e-Books, Graphics and Tutorials must not be compressed, therefore this information is readily available by looking at the File List or the More Info Link.

    We already have Formatting & Uploading Guidelines for e-Books & Tutorials which are rarely if at all being followed, so we'll also be looking at amending and tweaking these where needed. Further Guidelines are being prepared for other categories, once these are complete and approved by Staff an Announcement shall be made and we will then start to enforce them.

    All of the above shall be Added to the Forum & Wiki for easy reference.

    WARNING - Under NO circumstances Rename existing uploads to remove the Suffixes. There will be consequences for anyone that does.

    Editing Torrents

    When you Edit any Torrent using the Edit Group Link, can you please Add the Reason in the Edit summary: Field as to why it was Edited, this way we all know what was Edited and Why.

    Requests & Stats

    Here we are again!! Why or why is it so hard for Members to simply read the Newsletters, Forums, Site Rules and Wiki's. You only have to look at the below figures which this month are the worst we've seen [​IMG]

    These are approximate figures from August 10th - September 8th:-

    39 Requests Created
    2 Requests Deleted due to Rule Violation
    35 Users Warned for Missing Info
    3 Users have had their Request Privileges Revoked
    2 Users Added the Missing Info after their Warning
    2 Users Read the Rules and Created their Requests Correctly [​IMG]

    As issuing Warning's has had NO real effect then we'll have to impose much stronger penalties.

    Again, we ONLY have 3 Requirements:- Description, Image & More Info Link so we'll use these to determine the length of your Warning.

    Missing 1 Requirement = 1 Week Warning
    Missing 2 Requirements = 2 Week Warning
    Missing 3 Requirements = 4 Week Warning

    Now not only will you receive the appropriate Warning as stated above but you'll also Permanently Loose your Request Privileges.

    Lastly as stated in July's Newsletter "If you receive a Warning pertaining to Missing Information then YOU need to act upon it and Edit your Request and Add the Required information".

    If by October's Newsletter there is no significant improvement then not only will you receive the appropriate Warning as mentioned above but your Request shall simply be Deleted along with any Bounty that was offered.

    So this is your FINAL chance to follow the above 3 Simple Rules, Description, Image, More Info Link.

    So please make proper Requests as we really don't want to penalise Members by Deleting Requests and Bounties.

    ** This is being added to the Wiki. We cannot Add to the Rules as we're still awaiting a code change. **

    Big Sur

    This is Beta, as usual we will not entertain reports against posts, that involve Big Sur.

    When you get Locked Out of your account for some reason (disabled due to inactivity, 2FA not working, lost password), you can join our #BS-Help channel in IRC. Make sure to Read our Wiki Articles on 'How to IRC', so you can get the help you need!

    How to Join: IRC - How to Join
    Best Practices: IRC - Best Practices


    qbittorrent has been added to 'Greylisted' as it is not Reporting Stats correctly.

    Check in Here

    Care to join the team, FLS positions are open

    If you have some spare time and would like to help out, send a StaffPM.


    A Handy Hint [​IMG]

    We've noticed over the last few months that certain BBCodes are not being fully utilised as they should be, namely the List Item [* ] Tag.

    We've seen various characters and even images, some are mentioned below.

    Dash -
    Full Stop .
    One Asterisk *
    Multiple Asterisk **
    Tick Image
    Dot Image
    Heart Image

    Part of the cause for this is when Descriptions are Copy/Pasted from the Developers Site. We've mentioned this in previous Newsletters and not just to Copy/Paste without first checking it over prior to you posting it.

    For those that actually Read the Monthly Newsletter's you'll know that we're trying to bring some consistency and cohesion throughout the entire site by having everyone use the same Formatting. The [* ] automatically adds a New Line after each List as seen below.

    [*]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    [*]Sed dapibus urna quis urna convallis gravid

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    • Sed dapibus urna quis urna convallis gravida.

    Now by removing the Line Breaks we go from:-

    [*]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    [*]Sed dapibus urna quis urna convallis gravid

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Sed dapibus urna quis urna convallis gravida.

    As you can see the last one looks better. [​IMG]

    So can we please start to use the [* ] Tag for making Lists.
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