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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' yre78 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2022. szeptember 30..

  1. yre78 /

    2022. augusztus 15.
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    2022.09.30 - A few more new features
    Modification of the navigation menu

    Implementation of a more elaborate menu, with categories and subcategories with drop-down lists.

    -TORRENTS MENU Addition of torrents for 24 hours, week, month, as well as sorting by movies, series, anime, etc. in which you can even filter by quality quickly

    - FORUMS MENU Quick access to presentations, games, relaxation, tutorials, the whole forum remains available of course

    -MENU UPLOAD to upload a torrent or subtitles

    -MENU TOP to see the statistics

    -MENU My Profile, I let you discover the access to your panel, to your friends, your presence, your messages and your favorites

    - TOOLS MENU, you will find there the latest news which will no longer clutter the top of the shoutbox, the CHANGELOG with the latest modifications made on the site, and an image host where you can send your favorite images, to keep them and/ or have them admired by others, since they will be visible in the image library that you will find in the same place

    -HELP MENU under which you will find the rules and the FAQ, as well as the staff contact form

    Some other functions - Please check the French language tags (VFF, VFQ, VF2, VFI) when uploading so that everyone can, at a glance, determine the nature of French.

    -YouTube links on torrent details: When uploading, you have the option of having, once the category has been chosen, a field where a YouTube link can be entered, in order to put the trailer for example, and this will appear in the torrent details page.
    You can also add it later by editing your torrent and entering it in this page.

    - Posters Torrents page: The posters of the films and series that you put are now visible on the torrents page. They come from the iMDB link, therefore, please fill in it each time it exists, it will make other members more interested in taking it, and it's still prettier for the site.

    -LIKE (Like), UNLIKE (Dislike) and Reward
    On the forum, below each post, you can now add an appreciation, "Like", "Dislike" or even reward by giving bonus points and adding a comment.

    Upcoming changes will occur, we continue to work for the pleasure of the greatest number..

    Ah, yes, and I forgot, a detail.. The site will open its doors and allow free registrations this evening 30/09/ 2022 to 10/12/2022, if you have friends to invite, now is the time!! and welcome those who will arrive
