Külföldi torrent oldalak ABTorrents | ABT Statistics Update

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 27..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Audio Book Torrents.me Statistics Update

    It has been a year or more since I have updated our membership of the extent of our online library. We continue to grow at an average rate of about 300 new books and torrents per month. Here is where we stand as of March 21, 2013:
    The breakdown by category looks like this:
    ABtorrents was seriously started in September 2009 and struggled for the first six months or so, but really caught on in march of 2010 when our membership really started growing. Another growth spurt occurred early 2011 and our membership quickly grew to over 10,000. At that point security became an important issue and ABTorrents went private/invite only in May 2011. The graph below shows the overall growth of the site's on-line library on a month to month basis.
    Finally, the top 50 authors (actually 51 as we have a tie for 50th place are shown below:
    We the staff of ABTorrents thank everyone who has supported the site and our efforts to make high quality audiobooks available to everyone. Whether you are an up-loader, seeder, contributor or occasional visitor to the site, your participation and adherence to the rules has helped to build one of the best audiobook sharing websites worldwide.
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