Külföldi torrent oldalak PreToMe | PTM Stop ! Now Hammer Time..

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. december 17..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: Preto.me

    Stop ! now hammer time..
    Posted Dec-11-11

    Wow folks, really wow.. we've collected in what's needed and not much more in the space of the afternoon.

    "We're Covered till January 8th" which is great news.

    Thanks to all who sent in their hard earned... this site exists because of you !
    Now this obviously means, come jan 8th 2012 we'll be back to $0 again, so if there are any of you there who havn't yet donated and have a spare $10 or $20, lets get it in the pot ready for the next bills.

    Make a donation Via PayPal
    System automated : clears your hit&runs ( if you have any) If you have no hit&runs, system awards you a bit of upload stats.
    Make a donation by Flatter
    Totaly anonymous : we cant track these donations ( because they are anonymous lol ) but if any of you have flatter accounts, we'd sure appreciate it.
    We also have a BitCoin ( bitcoin: 15eQHMB8VY5rHWbjy6G2SB6UqCLzEMt44j ) for those who may wish to use their service. Again we cant track these donations, as they are anonymous.
    Help in other ways...
    There are sponsored links at the t shirt shop, but there's generally a seven week delay in payouts, so this wont help us here... Have a 'look' at some sponsored links at the t shirt shop next time you are at school, work and elsewhere ?

    In other news: Site Changes

    A new content section for daily releases of apps and music has been added.
    This section is under the "MP3/0day" menu item under Torrents.

    RSS - Security Overhaul.
    There was a couple passkey leaks into google, quickly spotted and shut down. To prevent future leaks the RSS system has had a overhaul.
    RSS will only be allowed to the IP address you login to the site from and/or are seeding from.
    While testing we found a few seedbox users were affected by the new security additions, we have added an "ip address" box to your profile page, for you to enter the IP address of your seedbox if you are experiencing any problem.
    This is not required for normal use...

    Fashionable Pirates:
    Due to some user interest , we will be looking at making PTM hoodies available to all ! . More details on that soon,

    Since its December why not change your theme to the PTM Xmas theme? (https://preto.me/my.php?stylesheet=3 << click )

    From all the staff here at PTM - We wish you happy holidays!

    Edited 2011-12-11 17:05:54 by alizilla

    Edited 2011-12-12 03:34:53 by alizilla

    Edited 2011-12-14 19:26:40