Külföldi torrent oldalak RacingFor.Me | RFM Suggestions For Rfm V2.0.0

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 26..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Suggestions for RFM v2.0.0

    It is that time again, a new version of RFM is in development, so now is the time to drop those suggestions, ideas, changes and what not in this thread.

    Please keep it sensible, no pedantic changes like 'the arrow should be wider' or any other personal nitpicks. I probably won't be replying a whole lot (busy creating RFM v2.0.0), but rest assured, I will be reading all of your posts. I can't promise that everything will be implemented, but I have added quite a lot of stuff that you guys asked for in the past, so I do listen..... occasionally. [​IMG]


    Project name: Undecided, we are open to suggestions

    RFM v2.0.0 is a PHP/Smarty application. It allows for torrent indexing and stores data in a MySQL database. It features an extended CMS interface, SEO friendly URLs and (template) caching.