Külföldi torrent oldalak SceneAccess | SCC Summer Competition

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 24..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    [h=2]Summer Competition[/h] For this wonderful time of the year we are running a pretty simple competition where anyone can win. The three best summer pictures containing our LOGO in any form will win great prizes and everyone who participates with a proper contribution will receive 20 GB upload credit. The contribution can be of you enjoying yourself on the beach, playing football with your friends, or simply enjoying life in the sun. You'll find a copy of our logo here: Wiki Logo Page.

    First place will win a Win 4G VPS from SeedVPS.com for 2 months, 500 GB upload credit and VIP status with all the perks that come with it.

    Second place will win 400 GB upload credit and VIP status with all the perks that come with it.

    Third place will win 200 GB upload credit and a Custom Title.

    There will also be given complimentary 100 GB prizes to random recipients in addition to the 20 GB entry prize.

    Please participate here.