Sync Stories: Backup Workflow Using Bittorrent Sync And Crashplan

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. október 22..

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    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it.

    In this week’s edition: Professional Photographer Roderique Arisiaman penned a post for DIY Photography on how to use Sync and Crashplan to create a secure and reliable backup system.

    From Roderique:

    Backups! We all need them, we hardly make ‘em!

    Over the years, as a digital artist, I have on occasion lost bodies of work. I lost them when building a new PC, I lost them when my drive crashed, fell, burnt, and I even lost them while watching in horror as I mistakenly said yes to “are you sure you want to format drive D”?.

    Data keeps piling up, and to keep everything archived we need at least double the amount of drive space.

    Luckily I don’t do animation anymore so my projects aren’t that super large anymore, but I have been photographing and editing work for a couple of years now and the data pile keeps growing. Next to that I kept running out of space locally, and kept buying new drives for my Drobo to accommodate my expanding archive. The problem with new drives to store your projects is that you need to copy your data over and over, you get sloppy, you forget projects, you ignore folders, and in the end you lost some precious pictures in the transfer process.

    I’m a creative artist, and even though I have OCD tendencies, I get bored with tedious tasks and mistakes are easily made. I needed a better backup plan to safeguard my body of work, without having to spend too much time on this task.

    Now there are numerous ways to maintain a backup, but I’m going to share one that has been working for me the past few years, and makes me feel secure about my data.

    Here’s my hardware setup:

    I have a Laptop to carry around and work on. It has all my running projects on it and all my new photo’s are created on its mere 500 GB drive. At home I have a Mac Mini that works as a home theatre pc under my television. I have a Drobo connected to it, which houses a rough 8 TB of space. This Drobo is seen as a single drive and holds all of my media, from movies, music, and all of my photo’s, both personal and my professional work.

    The Drobo is almost hassle-free when it comes to disks dying and replacing disks with newer and bigger ones. But still, it is a piece of hardware that can (and probably will) die on me eventually.

    On The Fly Backups
    So how do I get my data from my laptop to my mac mini/Drobo and from there into the cloud, for off-shore backups.

    For this I use a number of tools. Let’s start with data transfer from laptop to mac min/Drobo. I need my pictures folder to always sync back home. Here’s where BitTorrent Sync comes in. This little free app runs on both my laptop as on my mac mini/Drobo. On my laptop I just add a folder, in my case my entire “Pictures” folder. It then asks me if I want the other end to have read permissions or read/write permissions and send links via mail etc. Just leave it and close this dialog.