Külföldi torrent oldalak Libble | LiB That Time Again

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. október 11..

  1. Vendég /

    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Yes, it does seem like every tracker is constantly begging for money. We try very hard not to. We also do everything humanly possible to keep our server costs as low as humanly possible, which is why you all notice occasional slowdowns or glitches with the radio station.

    Have a look here: /donate.php It costs about $140 per month to pay the bills. We have about 4,500 active members. That's about three pennies each per month. But we're behind several hundred dollars right now over the last year. We've opened registration again in the hopes of finding some new members willing to donate, but open reg just adds hours of unpleasant extra work for the staff; it's a bad solution that mostly just leads to staff turnover.

    Sometimes, I hear people mentioning the staff being paid, or that the sysop makes money off the surplus donations, or similar bullcrap. Quite the opposite-the site only exists right now because the sysop pulled those hundreds of dollars out of his own damn pocket so you could have this site. Personally, I don't quite understand, but I also don't understand why members can't occasionally drop a dollar or two to keep the site around.

    This is not a working business model, kids. Libble is one of the oldest trackers in the world-and it's at risk of closing down because it's members don't think it's worth three cents per month (yes, the staff IS working out contingency plans for that.) If you have donated in the past, I can't thank you enough. If you haven't...what's a buck or two going to do to you?

    Libble is over 9 years old. It is loaded with unusual music uploaded by unusual uploaders, rather than the same tired top-40 records found everywhere else. Our seeded torrent percentage is incredibly high. Our request fill rate is unequaled anywhere. The forums are interesting and civil. Nowhere else on Earth can you find Lenny_, either. I love this site, and I want it to last for many more years.
