Külföldi torrent oldalak ABTorrents | ABT The Overlooked Category

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. szeptember 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    The overlooked category.
    [​IMG]The files category contains a lot of useful goodies that can drastically improve your audiobook and torrenting experiences in general. However it has been rather neglected of late particularly our toolbox as it hasn't been updated in close to two years so it's about time.

    [​IMG] Toolbox 1 capable of handling anything related to regular mp3 audiobooks. Suggestions on software are really welcome on the forum .

    Toolbox 2 DRM removal kit for audible, overdrive etc. Suggestions on software are really welcome on the forum .

    Toolbox 3 M4B builders kit. Suggestions on software are really welcome on the forum .

    Toolbox 4 Chapterizer kit. Suggestions on software are really welcome on the forum .

    Toolbox 5 MAC audiobook kit. Suggestions are really welcome on the forum .

    Furthermore we are looking for some SIMPLE step by step guides to using these kits/toolboxes/techniques or possibly video tutorials.

    I will be rewarding contributors using the following scale: [​IMG]

    Short simple guide 5-10k bonus points.

    Short simple guide to "hardcore tech solutions" 20-30k bonus points.

    Video tutorials:

    Video only 20-30k bonus points.

    Video with narration 35k bonus points + small donation in your name.

    Just in case there is any doubt about the categories above they are 100% @ the discretion of Bigpiggy01.