Külföldi torrent oldalak TheOldSchool News : Happy new year!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2024. január 03..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    Happy new year!

    Hello TOS,

    First of all, the staff wishes you and your loved ones a happy new year 2024.

    Then I take a quick look at the situation:
    On the members' side, the site is continuing its momentum and the number of users is increasing little by little.
    The number of peers also and in particular the number of leechs which is a good indicator for us.
    The retention is not yet at the top which is perfectly normal at this stage, but it is increasing little by little, we are counting on you to keep the torrents alive as long as possible if you have space left on your NAS or waiters don't hesitate!

    On the site side, we have started working on updating unit3d to the latest version on the one hand, and on the other hand we are in the process of developing a PRE bot.
    Certainly its use concerns a small number of people but it will have the merit of existing and it will perhaps serve as a backend for other functions which will come later.
    If everything goes well afterwards we will consider setting up a backup of the releases, notably 1080p/2160p and series packs via the NewsGroup with a resed on demand and perhaps a dupecheck integrated into the site (oh well, let's talk about PRE again. ..), but for the moment it remains as ideas scribbled on a post-it stuck on my screen.

    On the staff side, you have probably noticed that nidhal from the NEO team has joined us as a moderator. I think many of you know his releases and his good advice as well as his investment in the p2p environment for several years.
