Twisted-Music News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. október 22..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    So ive had someone ask me tonight why do i use flac instead of mp3 so i will now explain
    in the future if i open site people will come on and no doult say why havant i got flac on site and only mp3
    now everyone is different alot like mp3 some like a bit of flac or some like just flac either way , yes bot is only uploading flac thats because i can grab mp3 by hand
    there are no private torrent sites out there that just do mp3, you have to give everyone a choice

    if you click on advanced search and tick catagory >music and then tick albums or which ever one you want you will find them all mp3
    thats what advanced search is for and yes it works on here haha was bad on magic half the time never worked

    thing is if i was to get another server then a new function will need to be made thats for mp3 only thats going to cost again and at moment im just building by hand maybe in future i will get a new bot just for mp3
    things cost folks not cheap doing all this
    ive stopped bots downloads for flac at the moment so gives you all time to use the advanced search

    massive thank you to the ones who have supported me with the site and helping me get a new bot for flac and so on

    this is not easy doing things on your own but im learning
    just remember folks i didnt have to invite and give everyone there vip from magic but i did because i cared about how everyone was treated
    this site I did to help with my health along with learning new code and at the moment I love it
    but i also need help sometimes to keep site going .... as site is closed and only one way they can get on is by application and then have to be approved by me haha

    thank you everyone
