Külföldi torrent oldalak PrivateHD | PHD Update regarding INVITES

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. november 06..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    The persistent banner on the main site is evident enough and you all know that the invites are being disabled globally.

    The question stands why. There is no single explanation here.

    We have reached a point where we have enough quality users on site who strive to make this site a better place. Since the starting days, users have been abusing the lenient system and inviting their family members on the same IP, creating duplicate accounts or outright selling/trading them on dedicated invite forums. That is NEVER acceptable.
    It's tiring to go through the admin panel everyday to find multitude of accounts that are on the same IP or tons of people invited by some random giveaway on a random site.

    For people who are on other reputable sites, you all already know that invites being closed is a common practice. It helps maintain healthy seed pools and in return keeps everyone safe from nefarious users. In fact, most sites out there have a closed invite system where they are ONLY handed out rarely to trusted users.

    So, we have decided to limit how the invites are given. Either the system will completely be disabled by the end of the month or limited severely. But under both circumstances, invites maybe given out at the discretion of staff to users who request one. Otherwise you are just out of luck.

    To those who currently possess invites or have the points to buy them, you can use them till the end of November. But remember to invite people only who you trust or you might find your whole tree banned/disabled.

    More Info: forums.privatehd.to/topic/5286-annoucement-disabling-invites/#comment-42939

    You can discuss below.