Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV Upload contest and a few more things...

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Péter28 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. október 23..

  1. Péter28 / Guest

    Hello again people of MTV,

    So November is approaching fast and so is the winter so staff wanted to do something fun so we decided to host a contest since it's been a while since the last one took place.This contest will be an upload contest, to see who can upload the most season packs during the month of November.
    The awards are VIP user classes, invites and titles for the top three contestants and there's another way to win those prizes along with being at the top during the contest

    To read more about the contest with the forum thread here: Upload Contest

    Other than that we are still looking for developers to help out with development of functionality on the site. If you have any competence with PHP, python or SQL and have some free time please shoot fallout a PM to discuss the details.

    You guys probably know very well that MTV hasn't had any internal releases for a while so we've decided to introduce a new group "TEPES" for Movie/TV releases, we currently have only 1 encoder and would like to invite those who're interested and have the required encoding knowledge (and some experience perhaps), if you think you're up for the task then please step forward.
    Sounds interesting? please contact Natsu

    Last but not least give a warm welcome to our new FLS MrWhite and AzrielK, they are two very competent people that will be doing various tasks around here and we're glad to have them on the team!

    Best Regards,
    - MTV Staff