Külföldi torrent oldalak ToTheGlory (TorrenTGui) | TTG Utorrent Issues

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. február 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:

    https:// bugs.chromium.org/p/project...detail?id=1524

    该漏洞目前已知存在于UT3.x版本,为安全着想,TTG从现在起终止支持ut 3.0-3.5.1版本,用户可以选择降级至2.2.1至2.0.4版本/使用qBittorrent或transmission等其他客户端

    UT 2.0.4-2.2.1暂未确认漏洞影响,如果出现相关利用,其支持可能会随时被终止。
    Bittorrent Inc.推出了新版本3.5.3试图修复,但仍然可以利用。管理组将等待完全修复后的第一个稳定版并添加支 持

    建议正在使用UT 2.0.4-2.2.1的用户:
    1. 关闭Web UI功能
    2. 关闭高级选项中的net.discoverable选项(默认开启)

    https:// totheglory.im/forums.php?ac...&topicid=19481


    Notice about banning UT3.x series

    Recently discovered uTorrent vulnerabilities
    https:// bugs.chromium.org/p/project...detail?id=1524

    The vulnerability is currently known to exist in UT3.x. For security reasons, TTG will end support for ut 3.0-3.5.1 from now on and users may choose to downgrade to 2.2.1 to 2.0.4 / use qBittorrent or other such as transmission Client

    UT 2.0.4-2.2.1 Alleged unconfirmed vulnerability impact, if relevant utilization, its support may be terminated at any time.
    Bittorrent Inc. has released a new version 3.5.3 of its attempts to repair it, but it is still available. The management team will wait for the first stable release after full repair and add support

    Recommended users who are using UT 2.0.4-2.2.1:
    1. Turn off the Web UI features
    2. Close the advanced options net.discoverable option (the default is turned on)

    Migration method discussion
    https:// totheglory.im/forums.php?ac...&topicid=19481