Külföldi torrent oldalak BeyondHD | BHD Vip / Update / New Site

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. július 24..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Hi folks,

    With only 8 Days to go before we shift over to the new site there's just a few things we wanted to clarify

    VIPs that donated in this months cycle stating on the 1st July ending on the 31st (new Site Launch Day), Will be VIP's on the new site , as long as you sign up with the same user name and PM me i will make you VIP again , until the end of the month (2 months for the price of one [​IMG] )

    As we have mention before we will say it again. We were not able to bring user stats or all the torrents over with us due to being 2 different code bases it was impossible. We have worked very hard to bring as many torrents over as possible , and have a nice collection of over 200 now.

    For those that are seeding Torrents , there will be a forum on the new site on how to update your tracker in your client to carry on seeding the torrents that are already on site.

    For the torrents that are not on site , and you are seeding , We have a very good functioning request system , and request will be filled , Then again follow the forum that will be posted on the new site on how to update your client to carry on seeding

    This site that we are on now , will be open for 5 days after the launch of the new site , just for users to finish of on torrents , grab torrents and upload to the new site etc etc.

    As we get down to the final 3 days we will inform you of any information you need to know

    Thank you
