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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. június 05..

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    2011. június 15.
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    Waffles.fm is now Waffles.ch and consequences of the move
    2016-06-05 05:16:47
    So we apologize for the sudden move, but there was reason for the need to move, and it was done suddenly, so even most staff didn't know it was happening when it happened. Anyway, the real issue is what are the consequences of the move and when they will be fixed. We don't have an ETA on when these will be fixed, but here's some important things that aren't working right now:

    1. SSL, the certificate we have needs updating. Consequence of this is that you get a browser error when trying to go to the webpage. If you're reading this, you allowed the site already, which is the workaround for now. This should be fixed soon.

    2. Invites all have the waffles.fm address in them. Send your invitees the invite code on your invite page AFTER editing the site address to be waffles.ch rather than fm. I was told be an invitee of mine that this wasn't working either, but that's one case, and I need more feedback on this.

    3. Torrents, when downloaded, still have the .fm address, you'll need to hand edit these in your client to .ch to connect.

    4. some other aspects of the site still point to fm. These, if you can get the link in your address bar, you can edit .fm to .ch so they will work. Nothing has moved internally here, all that should need to change is the top level address.

    Another important issue, if you have torrents in your client, you need to edit the torrents so the tracker address on them is .ch rather than .fm. This is trivial in utorrent, just highlight all the relevant waffles torrents together, right click and click "properties" if the tracker address shows up in the box, edit the tracker.waffles.fm to tracker.waffles.ch, click ok, and you're done. If the box is blank, you can get your announce url at the top of your upload page and paste it in. As that is still tracker.waffles.fm, you'll need to edit that link to ch, and you're done. There are ideas for other trackers, and scripts you can run depending on the os you're using, in this thread: https://waffles.ch/forums.php?action=viewtopic&forumid=7&topicid=80019. That thread and others on the move will be locked, all future talk about the move should be in the thread for this announcement.

    As I get notice that these things are changed this notice will be edited. We're sorry that this was done so suddenly and that we didn't do a lot of notice after the fact either. The lack of after the fact notice is on me alone. Because the site was very broken at first, I didn't want people to come back to such a site, and we had a lot of uncertainty about what we were planning to do. So I didn't want to announce something and have to walk it back. That's why I waited. Anyway, we hope to have everything back to normal ASAP, we just have to see how long that is.

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