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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. február 04..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    Waffles Staff Picks - February Edition

    Welcome to the February edition of the Waffles.fm Staff Picks. Please remember we do not look to balance genres or purposely seek out diversity - these are simply albums/tracks by bands that we love, and we hope that you find something you enjoy as well. Note that each pick may be an individual track, or an entire album (for the purpose of the theme). In every case, however, the entire album will be FL.

    Theme: RITUAL



    Artist: La Quiete
    Album: La fine non è la fine
    Track: Raid Aereo Sul Paese Delle Farfalle

    For awhile in college, I used to wake up to this song everyday. If it got further along in the album it meant I was late.

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    Artist: Carbon Based Lifeforms
    Album: World Of Sleepers

    There are certain things that I do where I like to have a specific type of music playing while I do it. And for whatever reason, this style is one I keep coming back to, and this album in particular is a "go to". I particularly enjoy it while walking about in the wee hours, when everything is empty and quiet, whether it be in the city or out in the countryside. (actually, especially the countryside) Or settling in to do some work on my computer. And a number of other things. Whatever it is, this is a simply amazing album, and among other things, it tends to get me into the groove of whatever I'm doing.

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    Artist: Testament
    Album: The Ritual

    This is one of my favorite Testament albums for only one song: Return To Serenity.

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    Artist: Metallica
    Album: Master of Puppets

    You ever see "Over the Top?" The scene when Stallone's character explains the significance of turning his cap backwards? That's what this album is for me.

    Every day before I train I lie flat on the floor, play the second side of this album and nap. I never stay awake past "Disposable Heroes" and I always wake up right before "Damage, Inc." I've been doing this for fifteen years. That's a ritual, right?

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    Artist: Shogun Kunitoki
    Album: Vinonaamakasio

    This album reminds me of taking psychedelics and climbing into an organ. The perfect soundtrack for your next pagan ritual service.

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    Artist: Sixth Comm
    Album: Headless / Let The Moon Speak

    This album is a ritual, and as the description says is "composed of dark, brooding and beautiful songs, other worldly soundscapes and magical sonic expeditions in the form of percussion and emotional vocal repetition." An amazing vocalist with a wide variety of interesting percussion and ethereal soundscapes, I've never heard anything else like this and it's a favourite of mine, and I hope others enjoy this pick too and have the same reaction as when I first heard it. The end of the last track on the first CD still has an effect on me when I hear that noise of a common household item.

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    Artist: Camera Obscura
    Album: Desire Lines
    Track: New Year's Resolution

    New Year Resolutions are a ritual many partake in at the dawn of the new year.

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    Artist: The Naked And Famous
    Album: Passive Me, Aggressive You

    and so, we meet again 2,5-DIMETHOXY-4-ETHYLPHENETHYLAMINE, old friend...

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    Artist: Alash
    Album: Buura
    Track: Kosh-oi and Torgalyg (a song about "two sister rivers")

    Alash takes a western pop approach to Tuvan music. They are considered masters of Tuvan throat singing which is a technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time. According to their interpreter, it was used as a form of communication before they developed a language. Tuvan music is very connected with the land and the spirits the people believe inhabit it. It is also folk music about their triumphs and sorrows encompassing all aspects of life.

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    Utoljára szerkesztve moderátor által: 2015. február 04.