Külföldi torrent oldalak TheGeeks.click | TGBZ Weekend Freeleech

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. november 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech

    Discussion Of the Week:


    How do you stay ahead of aging infrastructure before Mother Nature reminds you?

    Not-Flooded Forum Thread // http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1583

    FREE Torrent: Taken for a Ride

    Taken for a Ride (1996)
    Why Does America Have the Worst Public Transit in the Industrialized World, and the Most Freeways? Taken for a Ride reveals the tragic and little known story of an auto and oil industry campaign, led by General Motors, to buy and dismantle streetcar lines.

    Becoming Barack: Evolution of a Leader (2010)
    Becoming Barack: Evolution of a Leader traces the early path of a man destined to make history and to be a catalyst for global change. This documentary features footage from three of the earliest known recorded interviews with Obama.

    BBC - This World: The Mormon Candidate (2012)
    Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by John Sweeney, published by BBC broadcasted as part of BBC This World series in 2012. John Sweeney investigates the beliefs of Mitt Romney, the man most likely to take on Barack Obama later this year, and asks whether America is ready for a Mormon president.

    J. Douglas Jefferys - Killer Presentation Skills
    Forget everything you've heard about eye-contact, body language, and voice - it's likely either old-school, or just plain wrong. Now, in these very entertaining, knowledge-packed 90 minutes, you will see and hear for yourself what has been imprisoning the excellent presenter inside you. You will learn how to finally break free of the common chains that have ensnarled speakers and presenters for generations.

    They can be downloaded for free at 00:00 am Saturday UK Time (currently UTC/GMT)

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

    Torrents located...


    Don't forget... these torrents are only free for 2 days ONLY! After Sunday 4 November 23.59.59 UK Time the torrent will no longer be free!

    If you are still leeching at that time then you will have the download added to your download total

    Dont forget we have two Jack-O-Lanturn competitions running until the 5th Nov 23:59:59 UK Time. Graphics-Only Thread HERE and a Real-Pictures Thread HERE