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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. november 11..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech

    Presenting, in conjunction with FLOTW...

    Debate Of the Week:


    How do you build self-esteem?

    Socially anxious thread // http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1588

    FREE Torrent: Daniel C. Amen M.D - Healing Anxiety and Depression

    Ken Burns - Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty is a 1985 American documentary film on the history of the Statue of Liberty. It was produced and Directed by Ken Burns. The film first aired on October 28, 1985. It is narrated by historian David McCullough.
    The film includes readings by Jeremy Irons and Arthur Miller, among others. New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, director Milos Forman, writers James Baldwin and Jerzy Kosinski, musician Ray Charles, congresswoman Barbara Jordan and poet Carolyn Forche are among those interviewed.

    History Channel - Miracle Machines
    Computers are a symbol of modern times, but surprisingly, more than 2000 years ago, ancient Greeks already manufactured real computing machines. In III century BC three of the most important human inventions appeared: Ctesibius' clock, Heron's hodometer, and the incredible Antikythera mechanism, whose functions are still under investigation by researchers.

    TTC - Theories of Human Development
    These are just a few of the fascinating aspects of the field of "human development": the science that studies how we learn and develop psychologically, from birth to the end of life. To a large extent, the study of human development is the study of child development, because the most significant changes take place from infancy through adolescence. This very young science not only enables us to understand children and help them develop optimally, but also gives us profound insights into who we are as adults.

    They can be downloaded for free at 00:00 am Saturday UK Time (currently UTC/GMT)

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

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    Don't forget... these torrents are only free for 2 days ONLY! After Sunday 11 November 23.59.59 UK Time the torrent will no longer be free!

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