Külföldi torrent oldalak TheGeeks.click | TGBZ Weekend Freeleech

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech

    Have You Entered

    TheGeeks.bz X-Mas 2012 Banner Competition?


    Click Here To Enter Now!

    Deadline for entries: 23:59:59 GMT/UTC 7 December 2012

    Presenting, in conjunction with FLOTW...

    Debate Of the Week:

    Can Creativity Be Learned?

    Creativity Thread // http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1637

    FREE Torrent: Jonah Lehrer - Imagine; How Creativity Works

    Jonah Lehrer - Imagine; How Creativity Works
    Did you know that the most creative companies have centralized bathrooms? That brainstorming meetings are a terrible idea? That the color blue can help you double your creative output? From the New York Times best-selling author of How We Decide comes a sparkling and revelatory look at the new science of creativity. Shattering the myth of muses, higher powers, even creative “types,” Jonah Lehrer demonstrates that creativity is not a single gift possessed by the lucky few. It’s a variety of distinct thought processes that we can all learn to use more effectively.

    Diamond Dallas Page - Yoga for Regular Guys
    YRG is a form of power yoga focusing on breathing, isokinetics, and isometric movements, which in layman’s terms means you’re using your own muscles and body to produce your own resistance. YRG was developed by former pro-wrestler Diamond Dallas Page and he also leads the workouts in tandem with the “Yoga Doc” Dr. Craig S. Aaron. The style is efficient as Page demonstrates and leads the routine while Yoga Doc gives hints, advice, and reminders on how to perform the moves. Page is used to performing in the ring and that shows on the DVDs as he is fun and keeps you motivated.

    TTC Video - The Art of Critical Decision Making
    Making a good decision and avoiding a horrible one is not a chance act. It's a skill—one that can be learned, honed, and perfected. Mastering the art of critical decision making is the key to improving your life at home, at work, or in your community. When you understand the necessary components of a smart decision, you can examine mistakes you might have made in the past and sidestep potential mistakes in the future. And when you know the underlying psychological, social, and emotional components that influence decision making—whether they are your own decisions or the decisions of others—you can make sounder choices that produce better results.

    Six Questions for Noam Chomsky

    Pure wisdom from whom the NY times called the most influential living intellectual. Frank Barat asks Prof Noam Chomsky 6 questions that were sent by Alice Walker, John Berger, Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Amira Hass and Chris Hedges. Filmed in London in March 2011 by Martin Ginestie. Frank Barat is coordinator of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, an initiative endorsed by Noam Chomsky.

    They can be downloaded for free at 00:00 am Saturday UK Time (currently UTC/GMT)

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

    Torrents located...


    Don't forget... these torrents are only free for 2 days ONLY! After Sunday 2 December 23.59.59 UK Time the torrent will no longer be free! *

    * Due to a delay, FLOTW will be extended for about 2 hours this week. Check the site to make sure torrents are Free before leeching after normal stop time.

    If you are still leeching at that time then you will have the download added to your download total