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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 29..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech

    Debate Of the Week:


    What are your goals for 2013?

    Goal Setting Thread // http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1685

    Martin Lindstrom - Buyology - Truth and Lies About Why We Buy (Unabridged) (2008)
    Based on the single largest neuromarketing study ever conducted, Buyology reveals surprising truths about what attracts our attention and captures our dollars. Among the long-held assumptions and myths Buyology confronts: Sex doesn't sell - people in skimpy clothing and provocative poses don't persuade us to buy products. Despite government bans, subliminal advertising is ubiquitous - from bars to supermarkets to highway billboards. Color can be so iconic that the sight of the robin's egg blue of a certain famous jewelry brand significantly raises women's heart rates. Companies shamelessly borrow from religion and ritual - like the ritual, made up by a bored American bartender, of drinking a Corona with a lime - to seduce our interest. "Cool" brands, like iPods, trigger our mating instincts. The fact is, so much of what we thought we knew about why we buy is wrong. Drawing on a three-year, 7 million dollar, cutting-edge brain scan study of over 2000 people from around the world, marketing guru Martin Lindstrom's revelations will captivate anyone who's been seduced -or turned off- by marketers relentless efforts to win our loyalty, our money and our minds. Packed with entertaining stories about how we respond to such well-known products and companies as Marlboro, Calvin Klein, Ford, and American Idol, Buyology is a fascinating tour into the mind of today's consumer.

    DJ Qbert - Complete Do-It-Yourself: Vol. 1 Skratching (2002)
    Let DJ QBert school you in the art of skratching (and home improvement) in "DJ QBert’s Complete Do It Yourself" Series of DVDs. DJ Qbert is a 4 Times DMC World Champion.

    This is a great tutorial for beginners to learn how to scratch. The DVD allows you to loop the scratch videos infinitely until you get it right. This is highly recommended for anyone looking to learn basic scratch techniques.

    BBC - The Worst Jobs In History - Season 1 (2004)
    Tony Robinson has set out to investigate the underbelly of British history through 2,000 years of wretched employment—whether it's swilling out the crotch of a knight's soiled armor or collecting human waste to turn into gunpowder. Covering the Roman invasion to the reign of Queen Victoria, Robinson uncovers an unseen army undertaking arduous, hazardous, deeply unpleasant work. The very names "Toad Eater," "Vomit Collector," "Spit Boy," and "Seeker of the Dead" underline a fairly disgusting history. As he delves into the grime of how life was for the ordinary person, he brings "Gong Scourers" (Tudor cesspit cleaners), "Pure Collectors" (Victorian pooper-scoopers), and "Resurrection Men" (Georgian body snatchers) blinking into the limelight to provide a vivid alternative history of Britain.

    Discovery - Stephen Hawkings Grand Design (2012)
    In this remarkable new series ‘Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design’ the world’s most famous physicist attempts to unravel the truths behind humanity’s most enduring questions: Did God create the universe? What is the meaning of life? Why does the universe exist? Unfolding his personal, compelling vision of the universe, the eminent British cosmologist evaluates a variety of intricate ideas, from ‘Intelligent Design’ to the impact the search for the Higgs Boson particle at CERN could have on our understanding of the cosmos. Drawing on more than 40 years of his own research and a recent series of observations and theoretical breakthroughs, Hawking presents his original and controversial theories, applying current scientific understanding to these complex concepts. Combining cutting edge visuals with this witty and incisive world view, discover how physics and cosmology are being used to tackle ideas that philosophers have struggled with for thousands of years.

    BBC - Brick by Brick – Rebuilding Our Past
    Dan Cruickshank and Charlie Luxton uncover the incredible hidden stories behind historic buildings as they are dismantled brick by brick, and meticulously resurrected in new locations Every year thousands of ordinary buildings are demolished, smashed down to make way for the new, but some are so special they are snatched from the bulldozers and carefully dismantled. When a new home can be found for them, they are lovingly and painstakingly rebuilt. These are not grand buildings, but everyday buildings that give an extraordinary insight into the lives of the people who lived and worked in them. Deep within their fabric are preserved astonishing stories about how we lived and worked.

    They can be downloaded for free at 00:00 am Saturday UK Time (currently UTC/GMT)

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

    Don't forget... these torrents are only free for 2 days ONLY! After Sunday 30 December 23.59.59 UK Time the torrent will no longer be free! *

    If you are still leeching at that time then you will have the download added to your download total