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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. április 07..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech

    Discussion Of the Week:

    Is Daylight Savings a waste of time?


    Timeless thread // http://thegeeks.bz/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1796

    Holidays in the Danger Zone Complete Seasons 1-6
    Holidays in the Danger Zone is a series of documentaries, originally broadcast on BBC Four in the UK. They have also been shown on BBC Two and exported to other countries, including Canada.

    The series of travelogues see the presenters visit countries which are far off the beaten track.

    BBC - Lucian Freud - Painted Life
    Painted Life explores the life and work of Lucian Freud, undoubtedly one of Britain's greatest artists. Freud gave his full backing to the documentary shortly before his death. Uniquely, he was filmed painting his last work, a portrait of his assistant David Dawson.

    Lucian Freud: Painted Life also includes frank testimony from those who knew and loved this extraordinary personality. Members of his large family (he had at least fourteen children by a number of different women), close friends including David Hockney and Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles, his dealers, his sitters and his former lovers recall for the first time a complex man who dedicated his life to his art and who always sought to transmute paint into a vibrant living representation of humanity.

    They can be downloaded for free at 00:00 am (midnight) Saturday UK Time

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

    Don't forget... these torrents are only free for 2 days ONLY! After Sunday 7 April 23.59.59 UK Time the torrent will no longer be free!

    If you are still leeching at that time then you will have the download added to your download total.