Külföldi torrent oldalak Anthelion (TehConnection/Teh) | ANT We're back!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2024. június 12..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Lakhely :

    We missed you the last 2 weeks! We would like to apologize for our extended downtime. What was originally a planned maintenance ended up having some unforeseen complications which kept us down longer than we hoped. We decided to take the opportunity while we were already down to work on retooling our backend infrastructure because it was long overdue and much needed. During all of this, the NBL API began having unrelated, yet equally as problematic issues, so our team was split between working on two different sites at once, and that resulted in our progress across both sites being slower than we would have liked. All that being said, we're happy to be back!

    Our tracker URL has slightly changed. When you download new .torrent files, they are now pointed at https://tracker.anthelion.me instead of http://tracker.anthelion.me:34000 or https://tracker.anthelion.me:34001. This is a part of our plans to reduce the complexity of our backend infrastructure. It would help us greatly if you could migrate the existing torrents running in your client over to the new URL, but both will continue to work for the time being. In the future, the latter two URLs will stop working completely, so it would better to take care of this now rather than later. Please see This thread for more information.

    Due to the fact that we've radically changed a bunch of things on the backend, you may encounter some bugs and oddities while we continue to fine tune everything. Please report anything that you find (or think that you may have found) via staff PM ASAP.

    Lastly, to celebrate being back, the entire site has been made global freeleech for the next ~2 weeks. We hope you enjoy it and we hope that you're able to catch up on your backlog of movies during this time period.


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  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Lakhely :
    Seedsize Orb/hr Bug has been resolved.

    A bug was discovered where Ocelot was not able to communicate properly with Gazelle which caused all users to reflect a 0 byte seed size and 0 orbs/hr. This has since been resolved. If (and only if) you received a warning or penalty for a failed adoption, please submit a staff pm to have it rectified. There is no need for a staff pm if you were not warned, or failed an adoption, the orbs should be resolved at current, but gains in the last 24hrs-ish may be lost.

    Discuss this post here.